Home Consulting The method
The method

Since the beginning of our work, the method applied by our team is the same as applied by the almost all of the Large and Medium sized Companies that have had, some of them from of immemorial time, others morThere are under the eyes of all many examples of companies that became leaders over the years, starting with similar situations, unlike some that have left the Market.

There must be some reasons why …

We do not want to argue what took place thanks to the consultants, but certainly do not want to refuse the opportunity to accept new ways of knowledge of its operations, using reliable and proven methodologies.

As this way, our team path was similar to that of the General Ledger. Due to this it has reached, and would not have otherwise, a standardization allowing people to have a unique interpretation of the Balance sheet, whatever type of company, so our team has made efforts to make the methodology independent by Companies.

But it had to be tested. We have tested it in different Market fields, we reached the objective of making reliable, readily available, in line with international standards and immediate and unique understanding from all third parties with which each company must face daily.

Comforted by our results, starting with in-depth analysis and using appropriate methodologies to highlight the points of strength and weakness, the company can clearly see field variables, and interpret them, moving in a well-known environment in all respects, not therefore make hasty and last-minute decisions that, as people knows, under the effects of the emotion and the urgency, almost never are the most correct.

The methodology, supported by specialized structure this process, calls for:
  • a DINAMIC picture of the company, particularly in relation to financial flows, in contrast to the classical STATIC view
  • To SIMULATE various scenarios, choosing among them those most likely to decide the best
These simulations are known by the term WHAT IF, and are used in every field of knowledge: Stock Market analysis, investment opportunities...

When the entrepreneur has always been looking at the variables that govern its Company, can calmly deal with it to grow and to continue the work he painstakingly started long ago, when the scenarios were definitely more stable and there were so many difficulties but to have had a good BUSINESS IDEA.



Each company holds all the data (often duplicated, redundant and scattered everywhere) necessary to provide the appropriate answers for every business need. Path analysis allows a company to coordinate them and make them understandable, practical and synthetic.

The Management Consultant

The management consultant holds a important role in the field communication and coordination, towards the different areas, regarding short and medium-term strategies.

Customers' Area

In this Area, with secure access, each Customer can access all relevant reports that affect their company.