Home Consulting The outsourcing
Choosing Outsourcing management

Every company with adequate staff, an advanced ERP and the constant collaboration by software companies that usually assists, is potentially capable of putting in place a satisfactory analytical accounting.

Required investment is likely to deter those, excluding Large and Medium-sized companies, which at least once have thought, for some economic order and practical reasons we will summarize:

  1. The time required for the plant and dedicated to the subsequent implementations (people never end to request Output)
  2. The continued commitment of internal resources witch would be equal to the task
  3. The choice of Files to consider
  4. The constant support of the software company witch habitually assist the Company
  5. The definition of reports to allow useful VISION to make timely and appropriate decisions

Our intervention ensures that the company will not be required to dedicate a great amount of time communicating the necessary information for the implementation of data during the initial phase. The subsequent phases of the process are already structured thus apart from exceptional circumstances, i.e. changes in procedures or implementations of software, additional burdens.

We propose an Outsourcing, not because this methodology has become overwhelmingly in fashion, but for some considerations that we would like to point out:

  • The consultant does not interfere with the normal operation Business
  • There are not misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Data provided by the Company are certainly traceable.
  • Agreed and transposed guidelines shall only be transmitted by who is qualified

After these considerations, the method is quite simple and, more importantly, proven:

  • Corporate data, following a thorough explanation of their structure, are sent via e-mail to the consulting team, also the ability to have both parties track what passed
  • Monthly reports are made available to the Company, in an area reserved to it, all agreed reports from start until to final date; this allows to have them always available, avoiding losses or cancellations.
  • Consultants shall prepare a monthly report that is discussed with the Company at its headquarters

It is obvious saving costs, duplication and loss



Each company holds all the data (often duplicated, redundant and scattered everywhere) necessary to provide the appropriate answers for every business need. Path analysis allows a company to coordinate them and make them understandable, practical and synthetic.

The Management Consultant

The management consultant holds a important role in the field communication and coordination, towards the different areas, regarding short and medium-term strategies.

Customers' Area

In this Area, with secure access, each Customer can access all relevant reports that affect their company.